For the record, at 121,000 feet–23 miles–the pressure is only 93 pascals. Since the triple point of water is 611.73 pascals, if a desert rat had stowed away on Qu8k its blood would have boiled in its body at body temperature. The density of the air is low too: 0.005 times that of the air at sea level. Notice that your ejected drogue line did not become taut quicky. The average air temperature there is -32 Celsius.
I had fun identifying some of the various geographical features of Northern Nevada and Northern California in your video. The geometric horizon is 685 km ( 428 miles) away, approximately. So you should be able to see Lassen peak and the Pacific ideally.
Francis G. Graham

Thanks to all my friends and family that contributed
Jorge Pinos and Angel Fernandez – Endless machining
Guy Kress – Launch Tower
Greg & Rowan Mayback – Financial, moral and physical support
Bret Ranc – Launch support
Korey Kline – Inspiration and design review
Carlos Rivera – Road Tripping to Pitt
Tripoli Pittsburgh – Motor transport
Al Bychek – BRB, tracking and launch support
Chuck Rogers – Simulation and load calculation
Miguel Hernandez – Late night support and heavy lifting
Jim Harper – Logistics
Marc Devits – Electronics support
Ky “The-Rocketman” Michaelson – Parachute
Michael & Danah Kirk and Ed Ampuero – Propellant casting
Especially my Wife & kids for extreme tolerance and encouragement – I Love You
A Tremendous Thanks to my sponsors